ds.hero-with-image represents to a hero-section of the page, over here you can add the title for your page, followed by some image or cta-buttons, with some body.


-- ds.hero-with-image: We transform ideas into digital outcomes.
link: landing/
cta-primary: Demo
cta-primary-link: landing/
cta-secondary: How it works
cta-secondary-link: landing/
image: $assets.files.static.landing.svg

We are an award-winning strategic design company that provides consultancy
services and help you create outstanding digital products.
We transform ideas into digital outcomes.
We are an award-winning strategic design company that provides consultancy services and help you create outstanding digital products.

Properties of hero-with-image component

  • title - type: caption It’s used to add title to hero-with-image component.
  • link - type: string It’s used to add link type to hero-with-image component.
  • cta-primary - type: string It’s used to add button text to hero-with-image component.
  • cta-primary-link - type: string It’s used to add button link url to hero-with-image component.
  • cta-secondary - type: string It’s used to add button text to hero-with-image component.
  • cta-secondary-link - type: string It’s used to add button link url to hero-with-image component.
  • body - type: body It’s used to add body content to hero-with-image component.
  • image - type: ftd.image-src It’s used to add image to hero-with-image component.
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