ds.faqs represents to add frequently asked questions on the page, over here you can add the list for your faqs and body of testimonials.


-- ds.faqs: Frequently Asked Questions
faqs-list: $common.list-of-faqs

Flex is the only saas business platform that lets you run your business on one
platform, seamlessly across all digital channels.
Frequently Asked Questions
Flex is the only saas business platform that lets you run your business on one platform, seamlessly across all digital channels.
How long does it take to ship my order?
What shipping options do you have?
Phasellus varius lectus eu ipsum finibus, a bibendum eros?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur?
Nulla ut lacus quis odio aliquet faucibus?

Properties of faqs component

  • title - type: caption It’s used to add title to faqs component.
  • list - type: record It’s used to add list type to faqs component.
  • body - type: body It’s used to add body type to faqs component.
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