Understanding Sitemap

The midnight-rush page component has an inbuilt header. Just using the page header will appear on your page.

Header is built using header component. Header uses fastn.sitemap which can be added inside your FASTN.ftd file.
To learn more about how to implement fastn.sitemap go through this video tutorial.

How to create clean URL using sitemap

In sitemap, you can clean the URLs and give custom URLs by using the sitemap feature: document.
To learn more about how to implement fastn.sitemap go through this video tutorial.

Sample fastn.sitemap code snippet

Below is a set of simple sitemap links which you will see on the header and toc-sidebar in your midnight-rush project.

Add below code inside your FASTN.ftd file
-- fastn.sitemap:

# Home: index.html

- Liking fastn lang?: https://fastn.com/clean-urls/-/build/
- My First Article: /article-1/

# Star us on GitHub
  url: https://github.com/fastn-stack/fastn

In the above code snippet Home is the main section that will be active when you are on the homepage of your midnight-rush project. OnClick of Home link it will take you to the index.html which is the homepage of your midnight-rush project.

Another link /article-1/ will go to the article.ftd file which you created inside the root folder of your midnight-rush project. And it will be seen inside the toc-sidebar as toc link to the Home section.

Star us on GitHub will point to https://github.com/fastn-stack/fastn which is an external URL.