Configuring your site
In this section, we will learn about how to configure your domain and publish your fastn web site.

1: Registering your domain on

To register your domain on you need to register with, if you are not registered. If you are already registered then login to your account and shop for your domain.

Once you are Signed-In then search for your desired domain name:
Figure 1: Search for your desired domain

For e.g., if you want to register your domain name as type into the above input field and click on Search Domain button.

If is available for registration then it will show below screen:
Figure 2: Search for your desired domain

2: GitHub repository

Let’s understand fastn project creation in just 5 minutes by playing!

With this, we are also going to create our new fastn website by following the very short embedded tutorial.

Do you have a GitHub account?

Log in with into your GitHub account.


Create your GitHub account by following simple steps by the GitHub sign-up process.

Now as you signed into your GitHub account, let’s start creating our first fastn website project on GitHub.

To start with it, create a repository using fastn-template - Click here
Figure 3: How to create new repository using fastn-template

Click on Public to make your fastn website visible to the public. You can click on Private in case you want to keep it private. We recommend keeping the Public selected.

You can also add a description of your fastn website (optional).

Once you click on the Create repository from template button your first ever fastn web repository is ready.
Figure 4: Creating GitHub repository using fastn-template

Edit your repository file and remove default content from it.

Follow the below steps to make your first fastn website live.
  • Click on the Actions tab and check for the green tick, if the Update workflow ran successfully.
Figure 5: Creating a GitHub repository using fastn-template
  • Click on the Settings tab and follow Step-1 to Step-5 shown in below image:
Figure 6: On ⚙️ Settings tab follow Step-1 to Step-5
  • Click on the Actions tab and check for the green tick, if pages build and deployment workflow ran successfully.
Figure 7: pages build and deployment workflow should run successfully

Once pages build and deployment ran successfully. Your first fastn website is live.

To see your live website click on the Settings tab and follow the below steps:
Figure 8: On ⚙️ Settings → Pages → click on Visit site button
Figure 9: Click on DNS button


And open it in the browser tab you should see the below screen:
Figure 10: Click on Add button
  • Click on Add button below the box that will appear on the screen. Click on Type and select A from the dropdown menu. As shown in Step 1 and Step 2
Figure 11: Follow Step 1 and Step 2
  • In the Name field type @

  • In Value enter ip address(refer Step No.2 from this document)

  • In TTL click on dropdown and select custom option and enter value 600
Figure 12: Follow Step 1 to Step 6

  • Repeat Step 7 to Step 10 from this document.

  • Once you add all four A record IP addresses. Then start adding AAAA records

2606:50c0:8000::153 2606:50c0:8001::153 2606:50c0:8002::153 2606:50c0:8003::153

  • Repeat Step 7 to Step 10 from this document. And select AAAA record instead of A record.

  • Editing CNAME record: on the same screen you will find the CNAME record click on edit icon
Figure 13: Click on edit icon
  • You will see below the CNAME record box opened for editing
Figure 14: Click on Save button
  • Update the Value shown in the above image and click save. CNAME value is always your GitHub username and

  • So if your GitHub username is johnywalker75 then your CNAME value will be

  • Your Godaddy domain configuration is ready.

  • Go to your GitHub repository and click on Add file dropdown and select Create new file,
Figure 15: Follow Step 1 and Step 2
  • Enter filename as CNAME (without any extension)
Figure 16: Creating CNAME file
  • Click on the Commit new file button. A CNAME file will be created on your repository root directory.

  • Click on ⚙️ Settings and select the Pages link from the left sidebar. Scroll down to Custom domain section and add your domain name into the custom domain input box,
Figure 17: Follow Step 1 and Step 2
  • Click on the Save button and Once the DNS check is done you can click to enforce HTTPS for your domain.
Congratulations! your domain is now public live.