ds.output can be used to show a output container with title. You can show a output of a code example using this component or if you want to show a component with border covered with vertical padding 30px and horizontal padding 20px with a title.


-- ds.output: This is the title of output component

-- ds.output.output-container:

-- ds.image: This is image caption
link: https://fastn.com
src: $assets.files.static.image-placeholder.jpg

This is addition body content for above image. At vero eos et accusamus.

-- end: ds.output.output-container

-- end: ds.output
This is the title of output component
This is image caption
This is addition body content for above image. At vero eos et accusamus.

Properties of output component

  • title - type: caption It’s used to add title to output component.
  • output-container - type: ftd.ui list It’s used to add to child components to output component.