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Simple Banner

Banner components

Package Name

Banners are an important element of website design and can be used to enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and drive conversions.

🌟 Ex.g. Look at the top of this page.

A banner is typically a horizontal bar that appears at the very top of a webpage, often referred to as a "top banner" or "header banner".

It usually contains important information or calls to action that are designed to catch the user's attention and encourage them to take action.

fifthtry.github.io/banner library contains various banner components that can be used on your pages for showing notifications or info.

To use banner on your FTD web pages, add below fastn dependency into FASTN.ftd file:
-- fastn.dependency: fastn-community.github.io/banner
-- fastn.auto-import: fastn-community.github.io/banner
Once you add above lines into your fastn package, add banner into your .ftd files:
-- banner.banner:

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